What a genetic blueprint looks like

After we receive your test kit

It all begins here! Once we receive your cheek swab and your DNA is run through our secure lab, our experts gets right to work going through and analyzing your 20,000+ gene variants to pull out those of the highest impact. We take your results and get plug them into this user friendly format.. This takes about 4 weeks. Your results will be made available to you once we book your 1:1 consultation.

What we cover in each panel

Each panel has multiple sub panels. Let’s take a nutrition panel for example. Just in this panel alone, you will unlock how your body was created to process nutrition: from protein, to carbs, to fat. We can even discover your propensity for certain food sensitivities like gluten and dairy.

Let’s get specific

Here is an example of the food sensitivities results based on genetic variations. As a reminder, your genes don’t determine your health outcomes. However, it is fascinating to see what your DNA is telling you on how to optimize your health. Once we know what our genes love, we can make changes that help up regulate or down regulate our genes, giving us a much better response to stressors so we can work WITH our genes, not against them. Imagine the amount of inflammation we could calm down just by knowing what our genes are wired for!

Each consultation comes with a customized wellness report & follow-up. You aren’t left to figure out how to move forward on your own!

This information is yours for life. Your genes never change!