Are you ready to cut through all the wellness noise?
As my client, you will learn…
How your body responds to Nutrition (macro + micronutrients), Sleep, Exercise, Supplementation, Environmental Detox, Hormones, and MORE.
What your genetic codes mean & how to work with them, not against them.
To live your life with purpose, not restriction.
To identify exactly what your body needs on a foundational level.
Current Genetic Blueprints Available
What’s included:
Working with me means…
You learn exactly what your body needs for optimized wellness. I interpret your gene codes and put together YOUR customized wellness report.
You will learn exactly what each panel of your blueprint means. I am here to educate a way that is approachable and personalized to YOU.
I am here to support any way I can. his journey. Not only will I walk you through your blueprint, but I am available every step of the way cheering you on as you implement what you learn.
It can’t get more personal than your genes. Are you tired of doing “all the right things,” but still feel like you’re throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks? Your genes might hold the key to finding out the missing piece to the puzzle. There are 80,000 genetic variations. Let me help you discover which ones make the difference for YOU!